Monday 11 May 2009

I explore but I also negotiate. DATE ME!

Filling out the profile is like painting a giant naked self-portrait of yourself which will soon be unveiled in Trafalgar Square to thousands of cold unsympathetic eyes. Terrifying. Filling out this profile has had me plumb the depths of my deepest (previously subconscious, so thanks for that) fears and question exactly who I am and what I’m doing with my life.

I did not part with £65 for this. This is not Love. Is it? Is this Love?

So, in other words, my profile isn’t ready yet. I’ll let you know when it is.

Look, it’s difficult, right? Here are the sections and their individual conundrums…

Basics - in this section I have to stipulate what age the women I would like to date are. I’ve put 20-30. I am 26. Have I done the right thing? Am I being ageist? Do I want to date someone barely out of their teens? Do I divide my age by two and add seven? I have also had to admit to being a short weakling with the body of a child. Galling. To be honest. Absolutely galling.

Appearance - give you the opportunity to list your best feature out of a bizarrely limited list. So, is it my arms, belly button, arse, calves, chest, eyes, feet, hands, hair, legs, lips or neck? Come on people, don’t be shy - I need your opinion. Which one is it? There is an option for ‘none‘. Should you want to choose that. You’ll probably choose that. Thanks a lot.

Interests - I have 1000 words to describe what I like and what I do in my spare time. 1000 words is simultaneously not enough and far too many. This is existential madness. I need help here - how do I not sound like a twat?

Lifestyle - You can list how much you earn here. Is that necessary? Is that important? I earn very little so naturally I have ticked ‘no comment’, which is the same as ticking ‘less than £20,000’ and everyone knows it.

Background/Values - You are given 250 words to talk about your single favourite book but must choose your political leanings from five basic and very broad choices. I can only imagine that this is because have a simple equation. Books = sexy. Politics = conversation filler. And they’re right.

Express Yourself - the most baffling section. Five utterly unrelated tick box questions, each of which give you no option to ‘express yourself’. One of them is your favourite colour. If you, and by ‘you’ I mean my potential dates on, are searching with ‘favourite colour’ as one of your requirements then you can fuck right off.

Intro - 4000 words to tell people everything else about yourself. This section has brought me out in a cold sweat. The implications of getting this bit wrong are enormous and depressing. Suggestions would be nice. What could I say to capture people’s imaginations and make them believe I am an interesting yet humble yet intelligent yet exciting yet loving yet mysterious yet funny yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet. YET.

Luckily you don’t have to do everything yourself. PHEW. There’s also Dr Helen Fisher’s personality test. WHO IS SHE? I done it. I am mainly an ‘Explorer’ but also a bit of a ‘Negotiator.’ Good news. Now this is nonsense but what I love about it is that on everyone’s profile is a little bit that says ‘According to Dr Helen Fisher I am an…explorer or whatever’. Brilliant. They should do more of this. ’According to my ex I am emotionally stunted’. ’According to my dad I am a grinding disappointment’. That kind of thing. Keep up,


  1. The 'no comment' on your income could refer to the fact that you are a millionnaire who is not particularly open to being kidnapped etc.

    Will your dates know about the blog?

  2. By the way, have plugged your blog on mine.

  3. I can't help wondering what kind of person lists their belly button as their best feature... xx

  4. Favorite colour? FAVORITE COLOUR??? Who writes these questions? Is it the "experts"? You know the ones I mean, Dr Tweed-Suit-Sensible-Shoes-Wacky-Glasses-Cause-I'm-I'm-Down-With-The-Kids-Probably-Haven't-Had-Any-Action-Since-1972.

    Worse than that is salary. It breaks my bitter heart to think of some silly bint looking for a Mr Right who's favorite colour is slightly dark blue with a salary over £50K. You may mock, but somewhere I bet that this is happening. I hope you stay well clear of her Romeo.

    Incidentally I looked up Dr Helen Fisher, the woman is clearly a genius.

  5. You are probably right Lex. I read in a paper once a couple of years ago that there is a website called sugar daddies dot com (or similar)where millionaire men actually advertise for gold diggers.

  6. Three blog posts and I already want to date you. Is there a way of bypassing the process?

  7. Hey guys. Thanks so much for the support.

    Pinkgecko - many thanks for the plug. When I work out how to do it I'll repay the favour! To answer your question, no my dates will not know about the blog! And may they never find out...

    Lex - Ah, my sentiments exactly. See the 4th, soon to be published, blog post for more money-grabbing details!

    Belgian_waffle - I cannot anger the Gods of And you don't want to date me. You'll only end up on the blog...

    with Love, Romeo

  8. Date Belgian_waffle. She's Blog royalty. Just don't tell anyone!
